Friday, July 12, 2013

Best ListView Tutorials in Android

1)  Android ListView - Tutorial

Long before this website really helps a lot of developers, this tut provides on how your going to display your ListView and also includes advanced customization's to it like ListView with images, checkboxes,
another TextViews and more.

Setting Up Eclipse for Android Development

1). Installing the Eclipse Plugin | Android Developers

This is the best website that you can check into in setting up your IDE as well as adding Android SDK to it. They have this ADT plugin, which I find very confusing at first but it is the easiest way for you to understand how Eclipse and Android Tools being get connected to each other. ADT is the complete package as they call it. All you need already there except for your personal plugins.

2)  Setting Up an Existing IDE | Android Developers

You need this link if you have existing IDE and you wanted include Android Tools to it.

3) Android Installation - Vogella

This is a great website to look forward to in your future developments. Check the link, they also provide awesome explanations to help you. 

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